Bankruptcy is a lifeline for many drowning in debt; except when it comes to student loan debt. Before 1976, student loans were dischargeable in bankruptcy. In 1998, Congress updated the law and removed the option of dischargeablility except if debtors could show paying back the debt would create an undue hardship. The protection was extended to private student loans by Congress in 2005.

According to American Student Assistance, over 20 million people attend college annually. Over the last decade, student loan debt in the United States has doubled to $1.5 trillion.

Bankruptcy judges for years have asked Congress for a better interpretation of what undue hardship means when it comes to student loans. The Wall Street Journal reports some bankruptcy judges are open to finding ways to help struggling debtors ease their student loans debts.

Have you seen changes regarding student loans in your bankruptcy court? If so, let us know.